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Apple Pie Yogurt Dip

Apple Pie Yogurt Dip

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Banana Berry Bliss Smoothie

Banana Berry Bliss Smoothie

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Blender Muffins

Blender Muffins

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Blueberry Skyscrapers

Blueberry Skyscrapers

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Bread Tasting Board

Bread Tasting Board

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Broccoli Salad

Broccoli Salad

“This salad is one of the first ones I make in the spring. The colours remind me of the beautiful flowers starting to grow and bloom”. – Ashlee Laurin-Clark 


Thank you to Ashlee Laurin-Clark, who teaches grade 5 in Winnipeg, for submitting this recipe.

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Checkerboard Cheese Sandwich

Checkerboard Cheese Sandwich

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Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

“I’m thankful for my mother teaching me her cooking and baking ways. Momma always said, “Never bake or cook hungry, moody, or mad because it will change the taste of the food. You must always bake with love and gratitude in your heart.” – Mrs. M 

Thank you to Rachel Marakis, who teaches grades[...]

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DIY Kebabs

DIY Kebabs

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Thank you to Chris Guimond (Geemo) from Sagkeeng First Nation for providing this recipe.

The baking techniques and teachings were provided to Chris by his grandmother.  

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“Instant” Oatmeal

“Instant” Oatmeal

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Kefir Banana Bread

Kefir Banana Bread

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Kefir Fudge Pops

Kefir Fudge Pops

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Strawberry Sauce

Strawberry Sauce

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Macaroni and Cheese

Macaroni and Cheese

“Students love this recipe. They’re beginner cooks and find it easy to make and say it’s delicious!” - Susanne 

Thank you to Susanne Angus, who teaches Human Ecology in Winnipeg, for submitting this recipe.

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Mini Pizzas

Mini Pizzas

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Monster Apples

Monster Apples

Thank you to Céline Pétrisot, who is the coordinator of the After School Program for the Portail de l’Immigrant Association in Calgary, for submitting this recipe.

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Potato Latkes

Potato Latkes

“I once made these latkes as part of a holiday brunch for my co-workers. My Jewish co-worker Rachel gave me a big hug and said the smell and taste was just like her mom’s latkes and she felt like she was at home. That’s what food is all about for me: showing you care and making people feel welcome.”[...]

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Rice Pudding

Rice Pudding

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Simple Sesame Noodles

Simple Sesame Noodles

“Once students see how quick and easy it is to make these noodles, they ask for them again and again”. – Ms. David 

Thank you to Ms. David, who teaches at Gilbert Patterson Middle School in Lethbridge, for submitting this recipe. Snag the tiger is the mascot at Gilbert Patterson Middle Sch[...]

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Slow Cooker Chili

Slow Cooker Chili

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Strawberry Ice Cream in a Bag

Strawberry Ice Cream in a Bag

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Strawberry Ice Pops

Strawberry Ice Pops

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Yogurt Parfaits

Yogurt Parfaits

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